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A new season

Summer is coming to a sweet sweet end. Mine was busy, fun, hot, unbearable, crazy and memorable. One thing I wish I did more was skateboard and spend more time in Venice. But I have many hot California days left to do that. I hope you all enjoyed your summer too. One inspo that I couldn't get enough of was a style that has clashed too many styles together that many people hate it. I've learned to love it. It's time to embrace the 90s again, and tie dye, and skateboarding, and holographic sunglasses, and yes plaid shirts tied around your waist. Never thought I would say that but it is now cool to me. Beach goth, surfer punk etc. call it whatever you may but I love it all. I'm a believer! It's the whole persona really. The "rebel" look, the laid back 90s vibes and the "I dont give a fuck if I'm wearing tie dye AND plaid together" attitude. And the rainbow hair. it's all so unorganized and trashy that it works. 
Lataz DUDEZ!

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