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So this post is a variation, no: a compilation of collected works from the last few days that i've been wanting to share with all of you. This is all about film, art, music, photography and everything. At first,  I started collecting photos of John Cocteau and his works and noticed it was all monochromatic. for those who dont necessarily know what i mean by that, it means an image or painting etc is used with only one single wavelength  and one single hue. typically this is black and white, considering they are just considered shades of light. so on with my intriguing story; i started collecting images of Cocteau art pieces, all ink drawing, and then came back to my infatuation with french new wave cinema and watched another of my all time faves: les enfants terribles. just divine! french new wave cinema is my love and jean luc godard is a legend and im boring you with all my french obsession. moving on... comes all the other exciting stuff that im all giddy about this morning!! FLYING LOTUS' new album COSMOGRAMMA is coming out to the states may4th!! i am going crazy. its been said this album of flylo' is going to be a revelation to the music world, and they call him the jimi hendrix of our time. !?!?!** O_O speechless...

so check him out if you havent listened to his brilliant stuff! his album cover is breathtaking(it was done by a fellow artist friend of his). so minimal, so contemporary, and basically everything he IS. his music is just this cosmic wonder of compilated sonic sounds that is beyond our time. its literally from another galaxy and cosmogramma is literally the revelation of how genius his music is. i understood it the moment I first listened to his Los Angeles album. listen to it, its beyond description, his music CANNOT be put in a genre, or be described or compared to anything. its that BAZAAR and AMAZING!


here is an amazing interview with flying lotus about his new album!!
this is a beautiful video i found directed by the talented: joost vandeburg.
Monument from joostvandebrug on Vimeo.


1 comment:

  1. Buenas,

    Te gustaria que te envie una invitacion a Locerkz?

    Lokcerz es una pagina web donde se pueden conseguir cosas como Consolas Wii, XboX 360 Elites, PS3, iPod’s, Portátiles Apple, móviles, remeras y muchas cosas mas de estilo electronico, ademas se pueden comprar cosas como pistolas de Paintball, tablas de skate y snowboard y aun mas ropa, etc... cosas que no se pueden comprar todos los dias.

    Vos miras videos, invitas gente, etc y ganas puntos, los cuales pueden ser canjeados por los premios que te dije antes y muchos otros

    Entra a, pone tu mail y al rato te va a llegar una invitacion, para no dejar pasar la oportunidad!!



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