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I recently made a couple of purchases that im extremely proud of. I've been trying to cut back a little on shopping but these pieces couldn't be left alone, i had to. they belonged to me. I did my usual goodwill visit earlier this week and avoided trying clothes on, so I went into the house ware section. as I was looking for some small empty frames, i came across this 2 set of mirrors and gasped in awe. They practically screamed at me and i screamed back. I grabbed them and held them tight to me like my new born babies or sumthin'. 
people probably thought I was crazy, crazier than the lady talking to herself in her wheelchair... they were probably thinking "honay, no one is gonna try to take your moon children cause none of us would be crazy enough to put those in our home"(i call one my moon child and the other my sun child). I like to think these two belonged to an old lady that walked around her home with lots of jewels and velvet robes on and she was probably an astrologist.

One has the moon and stars and the other a sun. theyre brilliant and they both have a gold frame to them and the mirrors are in perfect condition. a gem. true gems! 

xoxo maverick diva

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