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the west coast

So I drove from Portland, Or to Orange County, Ca this weekend to spend thanksgiving with the fam and I think my first mistake was to start off the long 17 hour drive at 530pm on Sunday. As soon as 3am hit the clock, I was on the mountainous road barely awake. The Oregon road may have a fantastic view, but it is better to be driven throughout the daytime. At night, the crazies come out. The fog from hell! The crossing deers that were 1 inch from being hit by my car! But as soon as a the sun came out, I was ready to document the little that went on on our road trip. So here is the ridic video of me and my sister and how boredom got the best of us on a our west coast road trip. P.s. This is my first montage vid I've made. It is tedious work man. So glad I finished. 
Happy thanksgiving! 


  1. I love this I love this! Too good!. I want to spread this around and make it viral. So. Just wait for that.


  2. magnificent video darling.


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