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what is inspiration

i have found my aesthetic! my signature style! its funny how i never really knew, and thats the most important thing you must decide when you're a designer. i was always all over the place like a little girl who couldn't decide whether she wanted rainbow or chocolate sprinkles on her ice cream. 

it hit me in the most unexpected time. my sister was working on a project about the novel "North and South" based on the victorian age. we obsessively dreamt about living in the victorian age, how wonderful it would be to just be fond of walking everywhere, on the countryside, and riding in carriages. All women had to worry about was finding a suitable man to marry, play the piano, paint or read. We listened to Marianelli day in and day out. 

it hit me! so i completely replenished my wardrobe. i only kept my extremely valuable vintage. it now looks like a cohesive soft palette. my closet looks like my true self has finally come out. for the past two weeks ive gotten dressed in the morning with beautiful vintage attire and i feel grand! I feel consistent and cohesive with myself now! lots of good energy!

My signature style shall be for every young girl out there who is an old lady at heart. That young girl who would rather be at an antique mall chatting up with old ladies. the girl who admires a color palette solely based on nature and tonal hues, as well as the pastel and lightly colored mixtures. I have always been infatuated with the victorian and edwardian age and now i have a purpose. designers werent recognized for their exquisite work, and now its my job to represent those. i want bring back that aesthetic but in a modern sense. 

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